Implementing C++ support in Caffeine


Engineers at the University of Waterloo complete a capstone project before graduating. Engineers make teams, and decide on a project that they’re interested in. Our team (Insufficiently Caffeinated) is working on Caffeine, a symbolic execution engine.

Caffeine interprets LLVM IR with symbolic variables as opposed to concrete values. That means that if we have a register named %1, its value would not necessarily be concrete (eg. %1 = 5), but might be a symbolic constant with some constraints, like %1 = x, x > 10. This is useful because we can find bugs over the whole range of the program state1, and essentially prove that there are no divisions by 0, no out of bounds memory accesses, etc2.

Initially, we had written enough of the interpreter to execute LLVM IR that corresponded to C style programs (mostly linear control flow, only included the C standard library via musl libc). This took about 6 months, so adding C++ support would probably take even less time, right?3

Quickly getting the STL

First thing’s first. What are some of the biggest advantages of C++ over C? Classes and the standard library! RAII is a very handy tool to help programmers not leak resources, and the standard library has many useful containers like hashmaps and vectors.

How do we get the standard library linked with Caffeine’s input? Actually rather easily4. We use gllvm to compile libcxx and libcxxabi to LLVM IR, and then just use llvm-link to link the input binary with all of the standard libraries.

Awesome! Now we can run simple examples like this, without crashing:

#include "caffeine.h"
#include <vector>

extern "C" void test(int x) {
  std::vector<int> vec;
  caffeine_assert( == x);

Failing to throw exceptions

Ok that’s neat. What about this?

#include <vector>

extern "C" void test(int x) {
  try {
      throw 1;
  } catch (...) {
==================== Test output for //test/run-pass:exception:
Aborted with message: external function '_Unwind_RaiseException' not implemented
  location: src/Interpreter/Interpreter.cpp:447
  function: visitExternFunc

Essentially, we tried to call an external function that wasn’t implemented. From the error message, we can see that we tried to call _Unwind_RaiseException().

Well, let’s figure out what _Unwind_RaiseException() is, and who implements it. This could still be a simple case of compiling another library to LLVM IR and linking it in.

After a cursory glance, we see that this is gonna be a lot of work5. It turns out _Unwind_RaiseException() is part of the Itanium C++ ABI. The Itanium ABI defines the “zero cost exception handling” model which essentially means that when code is running on the happy path, no overhead is required to support exceptions. Instead, this overhead is incurred when the exception is actually thrown.

The Itanium Exception Handling ABI works by parsing information about the callstack to figure out which frame can catch the current exception being thrown. That sounds simple, but we can already see some problems:

Another thing to note is that _Unwind_RaiseException() is meant to be language agnostic. As a result, it’s implemented by an unwinder (of which there are many). But how does a language agnostic unwinder know whether a stackframe can or can’t handle an exception? A callback!

A vague description of the personality function and the unwinder

A callback? That doesn’t sound so bad. In our case, the callback is called a “personality function”. In order to understand why this is useful, we should first familiarize ourselves with how _Unwind_RaiseException() works (by reading the docs and digging through real implementations).

_Unwind_RaiseException() first checks whether the given exception can be handled by any frame6. This is done by iterating over the callstack using libunwind’s unw_step() function. The personality function is called for every stackframe, and indicates to the unwinder whether the stackframe can catch that exception.

After _Unwind_RaiseException() is satisfied that some frame can catch the thrown exception, it proceeds to unwind the stack. This happens in much the same way that it checks if the exception can be caught. _Unwind_RaiseException() iterates through frames and calls the personality function on each frame, until it reaches the catching frame. If the frame cannot catch the exception, the personality function is called with arguments that indicate that. If it is the catching frame, then the personality function will set the appropriate state necessary to resume at the catching frame, and _Unwind_RaiseException() will use that state and jump to the frame.

Great, how do we implement this?

We’re able to use the existing implementation of the __cxa_*() methods which are called when exceptions are thrown but we still need to implement _Unwind_RaiseException() and the personality function7. The implementation of _Unwind_RaiseException() is fairly mechanical for Caffeine, so I’m going to skip discussing that.

Instead, it’s critical to figure out how we’re going to implement the personality function since it’s not immediately obvious. One of the first insights is that LLVM generates try/catch blocks as invoke and landingpad instructions (see the LLVM docs).

The invoke instruction is fairly easy to understand, it is used to call a function exactly like the call instruction, but it has two return destinations — a “normal” one, and “unwind” one. If the function call succeeds, the normal label is jumped to, otherwise, the unwind one. The normal return label is nothing to call home about, so I won’t discuss it further, the unwind label is where all the fun is.

These unwind labels start with the aforementioned landingpad instructions. Essentially, LLVM8 encodes all the information about the stack that would be used by libunwind in landingpad instructions. The landingpad has a list of exception types that it can catch9, and a return type. For C++, the return type is an aggregate which contains a pointer to the thrown _Unwind_Exception10, and a selector value.

The selector value is the last little mystery I needed to solve before implementing this stuff. What is the selector value? Who decides what the actual value is? The docs say:

When this clause is matched, the selector value will be equal to the value returned by “* @ExcType)”. This will always be a positive value.

So that seems pretty clear, it has to match up with what returns. And what does return? Again, the docs:

This intrinsic returns the type info index in the exception table of the current function. This value can be used to compare against the result of landingpad instruction. The single argument is a reference to a type info.

This is also pretty clear, if you already know what it means. If not, let’s break it down:

Okay, that mystery is resolved. So when __cxa_throw() calls our implementation of _Unwind_RaiseException() do we have all the info we need to unwind / die? Let’s see:

Turns out that the std::type_info pointer is a member of the __cxa_exception struct called exceptionType. Where is the __cxa_exception? Actually the _Unwind_Exception * that we got is embedded at the end of a __cxa_exception. Since it’s at the end, this pointer arithmetic suffices (see libcxxabi):

  __cxa_exception* exception_header =
    (__cxa_exception*)(unwind_exception + 1) - 1;

where unwind_exception is our _Unwind_Exception * argument.

Alright, from the top!

Great, we’ve got all of the foundational knowledge that we need to implement this. Let’s run through what happens when an exception is thrown:

  1. An exception is allocated with __cxa_allocate_exception(). It is populated with the exception data
  2. __cxa_throw() is invoked with the allocated memory, a pointer to the std::type_info, and the exception destructor
  3. __cxa_throw() does some book keeping with the exception state, then it calls _Unwind_RaiseException() (our job)
  4. Caffeine checks if the exception is caught by any of the landingpads (ignoring cleanup clauses). If not, we return and __cxa_throw() eventually calls abort
  5. Caffeine begins unwinding by giving control to landingpads that need to clean stuff up or the landingpad that actually catches the exception. We pop off stackframes as we go
  6. When a landingpad gets “returned to” we populate its return value with the selector value and _Unwind_Exception *. The landingpad instruction never actually needs to do anything, it’s just a vessel for the unwinding information (in fact it never runs in Caffeine).
  7. Some other C++ specific stuff happens with __cxa_begin_catch() and __cxa_end_catch() which we’re not particularly concerned with

So we basically implemented all that, and now Caffeine supports C++ exception handling! The test suite is a bit sparse, and there may be subtle bugs (the real personality function does quite a lot, and we only approximate it11) but the basics are there. We can throw and catch exceptions in Caffeine, albeit slowly. Overall, I’m happy that we implemented as much as we did, and got out of the stack unwinding quagmire in one piece :)

  1. Of course there are limitations since this is an NP-complete problem, but it works for “reasonable” input sizes ↩︎

  2. KLEE does the same thing, and is more well know, but we’re not claiming originality ↩︎

  3. This took around 6 months as well actually. If you’ve read the whole article and think that the ideas discussed aren’t that complicated and this could have been implemented faster, you might be right. However, I’ve also left out a bunch of complexity in Caffeine related to external functions, and what happens if you call one that forks (in the symbolic execution sense, not the syscall sense). There were some limitations to the original implementation, and it took a few iterations to get it right. As a sidenote, as far as I can tell, we never throw symbolic exceptions, so the idea of forking during an external call might be a bit far fetched. ↩︎

  4. Some trivial issues popped up like disabling standard output and pthread support for libcxx and libcxxabi, but were taken care of quickly ↩︎

  5. However, most of the work was conceptual, it didn’t actually take that long to write the code to support exception handling ↩︎

  6. If it cannot, the function returns to __cxa_throw() which then calls the terminate handler (which is usually std::terminate()↩︎

  7. The C++ personality function is called __gxx_personality_v0() but that doesn’t matter too much ↩︎

  8. Clang in our case ↩︎

  9. The gist behind the list of exception types is that if the landingpad contains the exception that’s currently being passed up the stack, that landingpad can catch it and resume execution there. If not, then we continue up the stack. This is slightly simplified, but the docs do a good job of explaining this (catch/filter/cleanup clauses etc.) ↩︎

  10. Sidenote: figuring out what the pointer was supposed to be was not easy? I couldn’t find it in the docs so the source code provided the answer: see set_registers() which is used by __gxx_personality_v0() to set the return values. Register 0 is set to the value of the _Unwind_Exception object, and register 1 is set to the selector value.

    Granted the docs said:

    For C++, the landingpad instruction returns a pointer and integer pair corresponding to the pointer to the exception structure and the selector value respectively.

    but the term “exception structure” is pretty vague and could mean __cxa_exception as well. That’s half of the landingpad mystery solved. Let’s move on to the selector value. ↩︎

  11. For instance, we’re completely ignoring foreign exceptions ↩︎